When a person with convergent strabismus tries to focus on something at short range, this causes a conflict in the visual information being processed by the brain, and the visual images become confused.

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Usually the brain will ignore the visual information coming from a misaligned eye, which can itself cause problems such as lazy eye or squint eye.

Not only does strabismus cause vision impairment, but it can also be psychologically damaging.

It can impact a person’s self-esteem since it hinders the ability to make normal eye contact with others during conversation, which often leads to the affected person feeling embarrassed and awkward.

Strabismus can be caused by neurological or anatomical issues that impede the control and function of an eye’s extra ocular muscles, which regulate eye position and movement, causing both eyes to be misaligned in relation to each another.

These issues may stem from the eye muscles themselves, or in the brain’s nerves or vision centres that manage binocular vision.



When the misaligned eye looks inward, it’s called esotropia, or being cross eyed or having squint eye in colloquial terms. A specific example of esotropia that occurs intermittently is strabismus and convergence excess. In this case, the eyes may converge well enough to focus on an object in the distance, but may have trouble aligning to concentrate on a closer subject.


Exotropia is when one or both eyes are turned outward away from the nose; it is the opposite of being cross eyed. Various vision and physical health issues can be caused by eyes that do not focus and work together. When this occurs, the brain receives two different visual images; one is what the straight eye sees, and the other is what the eye facing outward sees. To prevent double vision, the brain will ignore the image that the turned eye is sending. This may cause the turned eye to deteriorate and eventually affect the ability to see.


Hypertropia is when the eyes are vertically misaligned, specifically when one eye is turned upward. It is the least common type of strabismus. When this happens, the brain receives two different visual cues; one from the straight eye and the other from the misaligned eye. The brain usually shuts off the signal it receives from the misaligned eye and focuses on what the unaffected eye is sending. This causes the misaligned eye to become weaker and eventually cause unbalanced vision.


  1. Observing lack of conjugacy of the eyes in various gaze positions
  2. Using Maddox rod or wing to calculate the degree of strabismus
  3. Correct use of lens and prism for gradual realignment of sensory motor positioning
  4. Exercises inclusive of Vivid Vision to stimulate new sensory motor patterning
  5. Individual counselling and motivational techniques for compliance training
  6. Periodic review for seeing improvement and realignment of eyes


Increased confidence and appearance

Improved vision

Comfortable relaxed vision

Improved energy levels

Improved ability to perform tasks

Greater awareness


Quantum Photo-Somatics is a dynamic process, activating the system to begin rearranging and realigning itself to a state of ease. On average, follow-up consultations resulting in a change of prescription occur on a 6-monthly basis. In most cases this is a decrease of prescription, allowing the system to continue moving forward. Where a prescription has increased, it is an indicator that more support is required at that moment, and will likely come down when conditions change. 

However, if your new lenses aren’t delivering the comfort or improvement you expected within 100 days, we’re here for you. We’ll re-evaluate your eyes and make any adjustments that are required.

In the majority of cases, we find that a brief 15-30 minute consult suffices to determine the issue, and is usually a matter of further integration, or a slight adjustment to the prescription. These consultations are available free of charge within the 100 day warranty period. 

Progress and Support: In some cases, changes occuring as a result of the process may temporarily create some discomfort. Different stages of progress may require varying levels of support in order to reach the desired outcome. 

Consultation Fees: A consultation fee will be charged for consultations extending to an hour or more, given the extensive work involved.

Discounted Lenses: If the outcome of your consultation is a significant decrease of prescription, new lenses will be prescribed at a 30% discount. Lens remakes under warranty are not honored for obvious improvements.

Warranty Lens Remakes: If there’s another significant shift within the next 100 days, we will remake your lenses free of charge. 

As the outcomes of this work are highly individual, the application of this policy will have variability depending on the case, and is continually being adapted as the modality itself evolves.


At Microprism Vision, we work at the cutting-edge of developments in behavioural optometry and Quantum Photo Somatics. Our Docklands clinic takes a holistic approach, making full use of the most current technologies for vision therapy for adults and children. We can prescribe glasses and a range of other therapies to help correct your eye condition. Call us today to book in for an eye exam on (03) 9606 0330. Read More

Our Vision Therapy Has Proven Effective for Treating Strabismus

Our tailored vision therapy to treat strabismus using Microprism and Vivid Vision has been shown to be consistently effective. Strabismus, also known as misaligned or crossed eyes, is a fairly common condition, especially in children. People who suffer from strabismus struggle to move their eyes in sync and thus cannot function correctly. Unfortunately, strabismus can cause many long-term and short-term visual disturbances, such as double vision, poor depth perception and eye strain. While surgery is an option for correcting strabismus, vision therapy offers an alternative treatment method that focuses on improving the coordination and functionality of the eyes.

Vision therapy exercises for strabismus involve a series of customised eye activities conducted under the supervision of our trained optometrist. These exercises help the brain and eyes work together more effectively, improving eye alignment and visual skills. We offer tailored therapy using the Vivid Vision Virtual Reality software and Oculus Quest headset. Vivid Vision Therapy is an advanced vision therapy tool, combining the latest in virtual reality with traditional vision therapy techniques.

We conduct our sessions in-practice but home-based vision therapy exercises and glasses for strabismus may also be prescribed to reinforce the progress made during our sessions.

The primary goal of vision therapy for strabismus is to strengthen the muscles in and around the eyes. Through repetitive and targeted exercises, the brain-eye connection is strengthened, allowing the eyes to work together more harmoniously. Vision therapy can also address other visual issues associated with strabismus, such as focusing problems, poor depth perception, as well as building confidence and concentration.

While you can treat strabismus with vision therapy, it may not fully eliminate the need for surgery in certain cases. However, therapy can significantly improve vision health and quality of life.

If you’d like to discuss our vision therapy services further, please get in contact with our optometrists in Melbourne – we’d love to hear from you. Read Less

Assess & Treat eye health and vision in a holistic, integrated way

Personalise prescriptions to activate, integrate and motivate

Improve vision with activating, supportive prescriptions

Fine tune your vision, mind and body to improve wellbeing and function

Increase coordination, energy and performance

Open up new states of perception and awareness

Associations and Registrations


Book In An Eye Test or Tele-Consult

If you’re ready to get started, there are 3 options to choose from. You can schedule a free 360° vision screening test, or you can book a comprehensive Quantum Photo Somatics test of your vision and eye health. If you’re unsure, and you’d like more information – book a free 10-minute, no-obligation telehealth consultation with our team.

We Find Out More About Your Vision

You’ll discuss your vision with our experienced optometrist, then we’ll devise a treatment that’s tailored to your specific needs and vision. This will include the use of Microprism™ lenses and prisms that aim to stop deterioration and improve your eyesight.

Follow Our Treatment Plan

Your new Microprism™ lenses will ‘work out’ your eyes as you wear them. They aim to change the way your eye muscles work, while supporting how your brain processes visual information… an integrative approach that has helped 1,000s of our clients improve their vision and health.

Monitor Results And Adjust Accordingly

The aim of your treatment plan is to improve your eyesight, mind and body function within 6 months – an aim we’re serious about achieving. If there is no improvement after wearing your Microprism™ lenses, we’ll make adjustments and replace your prescription free of charge!


What kinds of vision and health conditions do you help?

We help a range of vision and other health related problems by redirecting how light is presented to the body. People present with a range of issues including but not limited to:

  • Sensitive eyes
  • Poor vision
  • Frustrated with vision
  • Worsening vision
  • Balance issues
  • Complex issues
  • Subconscious issues
  • Low energy
  • Low motivation
  • Vertigo
  • Dizziness
  • Dyslexia
  • Double vision
  • Post stroke
  • Post accident or injury
  • Closed brain injury
  • Concussion
  • Post trauma
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Emotional stress
  • Stress
  • Psychological issues
  • Physical ailments
  • Physical injuries
  • Aches and pains
  • Mobility issues
  • Visual processing
  • Performance and learning issues
  • Turned eye
  • Dry eyes
  • Lazy eyes
  • Nausea
What is the difference between what you do and others?

We take a unique approach to vision and eye health by holistically and dynamically assessing vision, mind and body as a complete unit, working on conscious and subconscious levels.

Our unique methodology, Quantum (Energy) Photo (Light) Somatics (Body Movement) (QPS) has been developed by Dr Michael Christian. QPS supports Optometry and is an endorsed and accredited field with the IICT (International Institute of Complementary Therapies) myiict.com.

It engages a real time integrative feedback system of many factors, making adjustments, counter checks and further adjustments through the process.

Light uniquely and appropriately refracted through lens and prism combinations support and change factors such as breath, posture, balance, muscles, energy, nerves, emotions, movement and body functions, which in turn aims to positively affect the eyes and vision.

Once we understand the wearers profile, we prescribe balanced, highly customised, activating lens and prism prescriptions. These lenses aim to change the way the wearers eye muscles work while supporting how the brain processes visual information.

Just as you work out your body with weights and movement, the glasses we prescribe act as a personal trainer for your eyes that are designed to work just by wearing them, without the hassle of boring and limited time-consuming eye exercises.

The lenses aim to also encourage improvement of health conditions that are linked to, being caused by or exacerbated by poor vision, while aiming to avoid the usual deterioration of vision commonly experienced by long-term glasses wearers. The eyes affect the mind and body, and the mind and body affect the eyes.Both need optimal support. These links and relationships are thoroughly investigated in depth for each person.

How do lenses and prism encourage positive visual change or improvement?

Just as good air, food and water provides integral fuel for the body, good light, presented correctly, provides integral fuel for vision and mind.

The function of your eyes has a flow on effect to the rest of your mind and body. Just as changing any nerve or muscle group in the body does.

Microprism integrative prescriptions are derived by focusing two eyes together in specific binocular refractive patterns for clear perspective and detail discrimination. In Microprism progressive lens manufacturing, the prism is located in unique non-traditional active locations to ensure clear, open, comfortable and dynamic vision. Microprism directional prisms (up, down, in and out summations) are located differently and affect eye muscles, changing eye shape and location and the perception of objects within a space. The internal shift on eye muscles via the incoming prism re-directed light, effects and brings into alignment and balance, how near, distance and perspective are observed. This ideal state of alignment brings ease to the optical, motor and sensory system and has a positive flow on effect to the rest of the body. Light feeds the whole biophotonic transduction system of the body.



Since 2001, Microprism Vision’s have helped over 9,315 people to improve their vision and eye health, and it can all start with a free 10 minute, 360° vision test!

You’ll try on prism lenses while we test your vision under real world conditions – seated, standing, walking, at a distance, and in close range to a screen and objects. You’ll experience the benefits of prism first-hand!

Book your free test with us today and start your journey to better vision.

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Ready to TAKE THE NEXT STEP? Book a comprehensive VISION test now!