The Holistic Approach to Eye Care: Understanding the Vision-Mind-Body Connection
What do you imagine when you hear the phrase ‘holistic optometry’? As the name suggests, holistic optometry posits an intimate connection between visual, mental and bodily health. The eyes are the key to the soul – meaning visual disturbances are linked to unwanted changes in mental health or the body. According to Dr Michael Christian,…

The Impact of Sleep on Eye Health and Vision
So many wonderful things happen while we are sleeping. In fact, sleep plays a crucial role in our development, both physically and mentally. As well as helping us to feel fit and ready for the day ahead, sleep repairs our body, balances hormone levels and supports our cognitive functions. But what effect does sleep have…

Integrating Holistic Eye Care into Your Daily Routine
Our modern world hits us with many challenges. Whilst we live longer than our ancestors did because of the availability of more food, better living conditions and a greater understanding of diseases and medicines, it could be argued that we do not always live happier, or even healthier lives than they did. We certainly seem…

How Poor Posture Affects Your Vision and What You Can Do About It
Maintaining good body posture is essential for our overall health and wellbeing, and without it, this can cause a number of health issues such as shallow breathing, slowed circulation and even blurred vision. Although good posture is important, many people adopt ‘bad’ or ‘incorrect’ posture on a daily basis. A multitude of factors contribute to…

Mindfulness and Eye Health: Techniques to Improve Vision Naturally
Mindfulness is a cognitive skill showcased by the ability to be fully present in a moment. Various meditation-based techniques can help individuals ground themselves in a moment without becoming overwhelmed or reactive. In addition to its positive effects on the brain, mindfulness can significantly improve physical health. In particular, mindfulness can improve eye health: assisting…

Children’s Vision: A Holistic Approach to Eye Care for Young Patients
Children’s vision plays an important role in their development, including their capability to engage with others, their academic performance and ability to learn about the world around them. To ensure optimal eye health, all children need to receive regular check-ups, as without this, concerns about their eye health could be undetected. This is especially important…

Eye Health and Physical Activity: Exercises to Support Your Vision
Everyone knows that regular exercise is important, but how does it affect our bodies? As well as supporting a longer, healthier life, being active also provides many physical, mental and emotional benefits. Incorporating your favourite exercise into your daily routine supports our cardiovascular system, reduces stress, promotes better sleep and even aids our vision. If…

Holistic Eye Care for Seniors: Maintaining Vision and Quality of Life
Our health and our bodies are constantly changing from the moment we are born. Our cells multiply, grow and die without us even knowing about it, and elements like our diet, lifestyle and general well-being, and environmental factors like air pollution and other toxins will all have a bearing on how our bodies react, grow…

Understanding The Psychological Impact of Vision Loss and How Holistic Care Can Help
The Emotional and Psychological Effects of Vision Loss Learning that your vision is going to deteriorate, or you may be heading towards permanent vision loss can be devastating news and can often negatively impact a person’s mental health. The idea of having to face a curtailed life due to visual impairment, or how this might…

Environmental Factors and Eye Health – What You Need to Know
Many factors outside our own body will affect the health of our eyes, and many of these are generally overlooked by most of us. Obvious environmental factors include UV radiation – continued exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun can raise the risk of certain eye conditions including macular degeneration, cataracts and sunburn of the…